How important is design to branding?
At first that sounds like a daft question, after all, the two go hand-in-hand, don’t they?
Well yes they do. To create a brand needs design and it plays a vital part but branding also includes marketing and business development. Some argue that because of this the role of the graphic designer has diminished:
“Any mark, shape, splodge or typographical concoction will do, just as long as it is deployed with ruthless efficiency and total conviction.”
Adrian Shaughnessy, How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul.
Innovation, good service and effective management = business success
Is Adrian Shaughnessy being too harsh? Are we forgetting what makes a company successful? More from Adrian:
“This is the problem with branding: it has become more important than the thing it purports to brand.“
It doesn’t matter how good the branding is because if the product or service isn’t up to scratch the business won’t do well in the long run, and may even fail entirely.
It’s all about reputation: what your customers really think of you
A brand is how the business is perceived by the consumer. Therefore, ultimately, it rests on the strength of its reputation. In this connected world the bad behaviour or poor performance of an enterprise is often found out sooner rather than later.
How about MoviePass, Jawbone or Theranos for starters?

What does Studio Stanley bring to the branding table?
What can a design studio that offers branding as a service give you as an owner or director working hard to build a successful and profitable business or successful charity?
We do give marketing and business advice. Ultimately though, it’s our experience, knowledge and creativity in graphic design that will help your business grow by attracting more of the clients you really want.
Good design attracts attention
Yes it is about research and having a persuasive brand idea based on a distillation of the best that your business has to offer.
But it is also about design that attracts attention. It helps you to become more visible in an environment full of brands of every description. Particularly those of your competitors.
If you want branding that works hard for your business choose Studio Stanley.
07817 187 828 | mark.woj@studiostanley.co.uk
Pretty doesn’t guarantee profits – a brand that communicates with your best customers 24/7 does.