Extinction Rebellion Logo Takes Centre Stage

Posted on April 21, 2022 1:07 pm by in Stan’s Log, Branding and Logo Design

White Extinction Rebellion logo on top of images of wild flowers, sea turtle, rhinos, spotted fire salamander sitting on edible mushroom, cracked, grey earth and polluting industrial plant.

If you have been living in a bunker in the Antarctic for the past three or so years you would be forgiven for not recognising the Extinction Rebellion logo. Otherwise no chance.


In an interview for Eco Hustler, the logo’s designer, an east London artist known as “ESP,” said:

“I was making protest art about the declines of various individual species for a while,” he said. “But it felt quite inconsequential in relation to the scale of the problem.

“I gradually realised that the issue was so big that […] it needed something simple that anybody could easily replicate. At the start of 2011 I was just randomly sketching designs and as soon as I drew the symbol I knew what it was.”

The circle represents earth, while the hourglass symbol implies that time’s running out. As always it looks so simple that anybody could have come up with it – never mind an artist protesting about the decline of biodiversity.

Extinction Rebellion contacted ESP in 2018 about incorporating the design into their movement.

Logo design is part analytical, part creative magic

All great logos are rooted in, first of all, evaluation, then the creation of visual magic:

  • What is the heart of the business or charity that the logo will represent?
  • How do you embody the best of that enterprise in a striking way?

Here at Studio Stanley we work hard for every client to create visual assets (and verbal ones too) that will enhance how they are perceived in the marketplace.

A marketplace that becomes more crowded and sophisticated every year.

Here are a few examples of recent projects that have increased our clients’ recognition and bottom line.

Four logos: Margaret Clitherow Trust, Enterprise Doctor, That’s so fetch and E-boatique.
See and See more logos at

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