Question: How does a branding designer go about rebranding his/her own brand? Answer: Very carefully!
The Branding Process
Once we had got past (the not insurmountable barrier!) of being our own client, we approached the brief as we would any other, namely:
- Pin-pointed our strengths
- Identified potential clients
- Created a brand identity to attract those potential clients.
1. Our strengths
When we asked our existing clients why they valued Studio Stanley, the answers that we received were:
- The personal touch from beginning to end
- Well thought-through and impactful design
- Compelling writing to promote their business
With that in mind, we set about creating an identity that ticked all those boxes.
2. Potential Clients
Studio Stanley’s clients range from single person start-ups (for the Starter|Website Package) through to medium-sized corporates (for Full Design Branding and ongoing support).
Hence, the challenge was to create a memorable image without being too ‘designery’ and ‘off-putting’ to smaller businesses, who might otherwise think professional graphic design out of their price range.
3. Brand identity
Which typeface? After much deliberation, we selected Monotype Baskerville – a transitional typeface designed by John Baskerville in the 1750s – for its traditional sophistication.
What colour? We felt that the core colour palette of aquamarine green and warm grey highlighted the understated elegance of Bembo; i.e. professional but not too ‘in-your-face’.
Messaging? The tone of voice we aimed for was “knowledgeable without jargon” and aiming to “inform rather than hard-sell”.
So there you have it: DIY branding at its best! Do talk to us if you would like to create a brand identity that positions you as the go to company above your closest competitors. See what we can do for you.