What’s in a name?

Posted on January 14, 2021 2:41 pm by in Stan’s Log, Branding and Logo Design

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name wouldn’t smell as sweet.” (With apologies to Shakespeare).

Brand identity is an asset for organisations that want to grow. Here at Studio Stanley we specialise in creating identities that help you to keep your brand strong and working hard for you.

Whether you are a start-up, merging with another business or needing to re-position yourself within your existing markets, we have the experience, the passion and the attention to detail to bring your brand alive both visually and verbally.

A great example of the added value that we create for our clients are Lindsay Blee, marine fuel specialists and trusted suppliers, traders and brokers. Their management decided that they needed a new brand identity.

Their previous branding had become little more than an opportunity to share information and no longer adequately communicated their professional identity as respected specialists within their industry.

Studio Stanley spent a lot of time listening to Lindsay Blee – entailing many meetings – to determine the right strategy and positioning of the brand. The structure of the website, key messaging, visual assets – of which the logo is the most important – are all fundamental elements that together show that Lindsay Blee know shipping. See case study here.

Why has branding become so essential?

We live in a world where there are so many different products and services, competition has created countless choices and companies merge into bigger and bigger conglomerates. It becomes harder to differentiate one’s business from the competition but more important to do so.

This is where a strong brand underpinned by a strong identity will help you stand out in a densely crowded marketplace. Research shows that there is a link between design and better business performance.

Brands have become synonymous with the name of their companies and they have become part of our daily lives. The well thought through and intelligently designed identity will result in marketing that has a real impact on your bottom line.

Your bottom line is our bottom line 

Your brand is safe in our hands because we understand that the continuing success of your company is uppermost in your mind and that your brand identity has to be an asset that works hard for you.

Get in touch with us today and let’s start a conversation about how we can be a part of your marketing success.

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