In a society where everybody is online, how do you cut through all the online ‘noise’ to make your brand heard?
Your brand needs to reflect, enhance, and illustrate your business proposition… it needs to attract & retain a reader’s attention. That’s it in a nutshell.
If you not sure what a brand actually is try the ‘What is branding?’ blog.
Here are three real-life examples of how Studio Stanley helped to inject personality and presence into business brands.
1. Be yourself

Client: Rupert Molloy, The Photobiomodulation Studio
Core Message: Powerful healing without the use of surgery and strong drugs.
Branding insight: Rupert works from his garden office and wanted to convey his friendly and relaxed manner (hence the Tintin posters) and also that Photobiomodulation is a state-of-the art treatment technique (hence the red, sci-fi colour theme which extends throughout the branding of the website).
Read Studio Stanley’s Case Study for The Photobiomodulation Studio.
The website was built with Squarespace, a sophisticated template system.
2. Be unique

Client: Samantha Harrop, The Wellbeing Factor
Core Message: Helping women to lead a confident, fulfilled and active life.
Branding Insight: Sam was clear that she didn’t want to go down the traditional route of image-heavy branding beloved of lifestyle coaches. From the target-like logo through to the straight-to-the-point written content and the clear bright graphics, Sam is clear about her message and target market.
Read about the project on Studio Stanley’s website.
The website was built with Squarespace, a sophisticated template system.
3. Be consistent

Client: Lindsay Blee, Marine Fuel Specialists
Core Message: A trusted physical supplier, trader and broker of marine fuels across the globe.
Branding Insight: Lindsay Blee required a new brand identity that powerfully communicated their professional identity. Our solution included a three-colour palette, one main typeface and pared down written content. These were all crucial to create a coherent digital approach that was anything but uber böring.
Read Studio Stanley’s Case Study for Lindsay Blee.
The website was built with WordPress which powers over 35% of all the websites on the Internet.
Whatever your budget, put into practice these three ways of standing out – be yourself, be unique and be consistent – and you will find people taking note of your business and brand.